Templating Language

Language Constructs

Within Stacey templates, you have access to language constructs (Tags) such as: set blocks, for loops and boolean if statements. More Tags can be found in the Twig documention.

{% set page = get('url') %}
  # do stuff
{% for collection in page.collections %}
  # do stuff
{% endfor %}
{% if variable in page.variable %}
  # do stuff
{% endif %}
if not
{% if not variable in page.variable %}
  # do stuff
{% endif %}

Variable Context

Once you are inside a for loop, the variable context changes to the current object being referenced by the loop.

If you want to temporarily shift to the context of a specific page, you can add a set block.

{% block project_1 %}
{% set page = get('projects/project-1') %}
  {{ page.page_name }}
{% endblock %}

This will change the context from the current page being viewed to the projects/project-1 page. This means page.children will be filled with the children of the projects/project-1 page, page.page_name will equal 'Project 1', etc.

So, if you wanted to only list children of the /projects folder, you could construct the following partial:

{% block projects %}
{% set page = get('projects') %}
    {% for child in page.children if child %}
        <p><a href="{{ child.url }}">{{ child.page_name }}</a></p>
    {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

Nesting for Loops

To give you the ability to pass through multiple levels of objects, for loops can also be nested within themselves (although using recursive partials would be a more elegant solution).

<ol id="navigation">
  {% for page in page.root %}
    <li><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.page_name }}</a>
          {% for child in page.children %}
            <li><a href="{{ child.url }}">{{ child.page_name }}</a>
          {% endfor %}
  {% endfor %}